3.A large-scale field experiment shows giving advice improves academic outcomes for the advisor
Common sense suggests that people struggling to achieve their goals benefit from receiving motivational advice. What if the reverse is true? In a preregistered field experiment, we tested whether giving motivational advice raises academic achievement for the advisor. We randomly assigned n = 1,982 high school students to a treatment condition, in which they gave motivational advice (e.g., how to stop procrastinating) to younger students, or to a control condition. Advice givers earned higher report card grades in both math and a self-selected target class over an academic quarter. This psychologically wise advice-giving nudge, which has relevance for policy and practice, suggests a valuable approach to improving achievement: one that puts people in a position to give.
2.Regulation of lifespan by neural excitation and REST
The mechanisms that extend lifespan in humans are poorly understood. Here we show that extended longevity in humans is associated with a distinct transcriptome signature in the cerebral cortex that is characterized by downregulation of genes related to neural excitation and synaptic function. In Caenorhabditis elegans, neural excitation increases with age and inhibition of excitation globally, or in glutamatergic or cholinergic neurons, increases longevity. Furthermore, longevity is dynamically regulated by the excitatory–inhibitory balance of neural circuits. The transcription factor REST is upregulated in humans with extended longevity and represses excitation-related genes. Notably, REST-deficient mice exhibit increased cortical activity and neuronal excitability during ageing. Similarly, loss-of-function mutations in the C. elegans REST orthologue genes spr-3 and spr-4 elevate neural excitation and reduce the lifespan of long-lived daf-2 mutants. In wild-type worms, overexpression of spr-4 suppresses excitation and extends lifespan. REST, SPR-3, SPR-4 and reduced excitation activate the longevity-associated transcription factors FOXO1 and DAF-16 in mammals and worms, respectively. These findings reveal a conserved mechanism of ageing that is mediated by neural circuit activity and regulated by REST.
線虫(カエノラブディティス エレガンス)では年齢とともに神経の活性化がみられ、活性化の抑制は全体的に、またはグルタミン酸作動性ニューロン(※4)やコリン作動性ニューロン(※5)の寿命を伸ばした。
寿命は、興奮と抑制という神経回路のバランスによって動的に決定付けられる。転写制御因子であるREST(RE1(※リプレッサーエレメント1 )-silencing transcription factor)は、長寿のヒトでは上方制御され、活性化に関連する遺伝子を抑制する。RESTが欠落しているマウスの場合、成長の過程で皮質の活動と神経細胞の活性化の増加が特にみられた。同様に、線虫のRESTオーソログ遺伝子(※6)であるspr-3やspr-4の機能喪失がある場合、神経活性化は増加し、長寿に関連するdaf-2変異体の寿命は減少した。野生のワームでは、spr-4の過剰発現が活性化を抑え、寿命を伸ばした。REST、spr-3、spr-4および抑制された活性化(=興奮)は、哺乳類やワームにある長寿に関連する転写因子のFOXO1とdaf-16をそれぞれ活発にさせた。
※1 RESTたんぱく質:
※2 トランスクリプトーム
※3 シグネチャー
※4 グルタミン酸作動性ニューロン
※5 コリン作動性ニューロン
※6 オーソログ遺伝子
1.Dietary salt promotes cognitive impairment through tau phosphorylation
Dietary habits and vascular risk factors promote both Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment caused by vascular factors. Furthermore, accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau, a microtubule-associated protein and a hallmark of Alzheimer’s pathology, is also linked to vascular cognitive impairment. In mice, a salt-rich diet leads to cognitive dysfunction associated with a nitric oxide deficit in cerebral endothelial cells and cerebral hypoperfusion. Here we report that dietary salt induces hyperphosphorylation of tau followed by cognitive dysfunction in mice, and that these effects are prevented by restoring endothelial nitric oxide production. The nitric oxide deficiency reduces neuronal calpain nitrosylation and results in enzyme activation, which, in turn, leads to tau phosphorylation by activating cyclin-dependent kinase 5. Salt-induced cognitive impairment is not observed in tau-null mice or in mice treated with anti-tau antibodies, despite persistent cerebral hypoperfusion and neurovascular dysfunction. These findings identify a causal link between dietary salt, endothelial dysfunction and tau pathology, independent of haemodynamic insufficiency. Avoidance of excessive salt intake and maintenance of vascular health may help to stave off the vascular and neurodegenerative pathologies that underlie dementia in the elderly.